
Todoist & Dropbox Android App Update Gets Material Design Makeover

The latest update from Todist is in line with Google’s Material Design guidelines. The newest update, which came June 24, is for the task management app. Todoist now offers natural language speaking processing for you to create tasks. That means that you can now key in phrases such as “Phone Jim tomorrow” to enter them into the app. In addition, you can make those tasks single or ongoing, such as every Saturday.

There is a complete material redesign. You can swipe right to set a task as finished while a left swipe lets you reschedule it instead. Set end dates for those to-do items, as well. A whole new app navigation is now in place. There are also ten themes in bright colors that are useful for seeing at a glance what a task is or its urgency.

Dropbox also got a Material Design update. On June 23, the Dropbox Android app got its long-awaited v3.0 makeover. The redesign includes a floating action button added to folders. Simply press the “+” button to add photos directly to the linked folder for easy, fast sharing of pictures with friends and family. As well, those photos stay in the folder, rather than in the phone’s memory, so you save space on the mobile device.

Another addition is the new search icon. It is in the top menu, so you can easily find documents by their names, and you can also search now within a document. The Material Design update is cleaner, with added room to move around the app. The floating action button is easier to find, and now Google’s design language is being rolled out to the mass public. Both the Todoist and Dropbox Material Design updates are rolling out this week to Google Play Store users.

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