A term used in investing is ROE, which stands for return on equity. It refers to the return on ownership interest or shareholders’ equity of the stock owners. Usually, when the ROE is between 15-20% then it is considered to be favorable. The best way to measure it is by comparing businesses within the same sector. It is a percentage that is calculated by taking a fiscal year’s net income and dividing it by total equity. Three stocks that presently have a high ROE are Tyco International PLC (NYSE:TYC), Best Buy Co Inc (NYSE:BBY), and Dover Corp (NYSE:DOV).
Tyco International PLC (NYSE:TYC) has turned 15.28% in income over the past full fiscal year form shareholders’ money. That is higher than the industry average of 10.77% and the sector’s best figure at 9.99%. During last trading session, the stock dropped -1.13%, landing at $37.47 after wavering between $37.46 and $37.92. The stock volume during that same session was 2.57 million shares. Over the last 52 weeks, it was at between $35.95 and $45.24. As for total market capitalization, that was stable at $15.98 billion.
The second stock is Best Buy Co Inc (NYSE:BBY), which held onto an equity at 17.53% over the past 12 months, as per Reuters data. The industry average, meanwhile is at 7.93%, with sector’s best at 15.66%. At last close, the stock was at $31.71, while it had opened at $31.69; it scored +0.03%. The shares volume during the last trading session was 2.20 million, which was under its typical volume of shares, which is 3.52 million.
As for Dover Corp (NYSE:DOV), its return on equity over the last 12 fiscal months was 17.72% higher than what is the industry average, as per Reuters. The average is at 13.21% for the ROE ratio for the industry. The sector is at 9.71% for its best figure. The stock reached $64.39, losing -0.40%, going between the values of $63.93 and $64.75.